After a day or 5 of running around to get work stuff taken care of, and do last minute shopping, I found myself the other day getting a cold. Ive tried every combination of voodoo recipe out there. Chicken soup, Vitamin C, D, Zinc, hot tea, gallons of water, steam room, plenty of sleep, etc.... Well here it is, 11:40 here on Friday, the big day of departure, and what do I find? I discover that our flights have changed! Not only ours, but also my other family members. Duane will be getting in at almost 7:30 Saturday night, and with the line through customs and the drive to Negril, I think it will be closer to 10 before he and Morgan arrive. Airlines SUCK!!!
When we did arrive at the airport, already drained from little sleep, we had 3 hours to kill. Ahhhhhh airport food. How I've dreamed of that long awaited meal that I think might have been a salad. Still not entirely sure.
One benefit are these handy counters they have so that iPhone power users like me can type away on a phone while recharging it at the same time. Brilliant!!!
This was a moment for Gayle to pose for an accurate representation of her daily facial expressions whenever a camera is near by.
Thank you sweet Jesus it's time to board. Miami here we come. Well, we'll be there at 7:45am. Then a layover until our final flight into MoBay.
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